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The Law

The Law : What do I have to know?


Every school must have measures in place to prevent all forms of bullying.


The Education and Inspections Act 2006


Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 provides that maintained schools must have measures to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils. These measures should be part of the school’s behaviour policy which must be communicated to all pupils, school staff and parents.


Independent School Standard Regulations 2010

The Independent School Standards Regulations 2010 provide that the proprietor of an Academy or other independent school is required to ensure that an effective anti-bullying strategy is drawn up and implemented.


Please read our sections on this page on The Equality Act 2010, Cyberbullying and the Law, Criminal Law and Safeguarding. We also provide information on bullying which takes place out of school.


The Ofsted framework for inspection 2015 is essential reading to inform you on how Personal development, behaviour and welfare will be inspected.

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